CS1 - 1213 - October


Monday (10/29/12)

  • Hurricane Sandy

Wednesday - Friday (10/23/12 - 10/25/12)

  • 1st Quarter Exam
    • 1st and 5th periods - Tuesday (10/30/12)
    • Open-book, open-note, closed-person
  • Demo completed Whac-A-Mole game
  • Google Sites
    1. Login to your APS google account
    2. Go to Sites
    3. Create your first website
    4. Be sure to include the following information
      • Name (only first if you want to keep privacy)
      • School
      • Year in school
      • Special Interests
      • Links to pages of interest (e.g. hobbies, W-L, bands, etc.)
    5. We will be putting our digital portfolios on this website, so you can spend time now adding/removing widgets and playing with Google Sites
    6. Submit your website's address

Monday (10/22/12)

Thursday (10/18/12)


Tuesday (10/16/12)


  • Complete Pong
  • Additional Pong Features:
    • Allow the paddles to move left and right using the A, D, Left, and Right arrow keys
    • Gradually change the speed of the ball as the points get higher
    • Change the speed of the ball depending on where the ball hits the paddle

Thursday - Tuesday (10/12/12 - 10/16/12)


  1. Who was Dennis Ritchie?
  2. What creation(s) is he credited for?
  3. List things today that are based on Ritchie's work


  • How to move the ball
    • dx and dy tricks
  • Complete Pong

Wednesday (10/10/12)


  1. What was the first popular arcade video game released by Atari?
  2. Find and play a version of this game online


  • Student Release Forms
  • Demo completed Item collection game
  • Introduction to Software Development
    1. Requirements analysis
    2. Design
    3. Implementation
    4. Verification & Testing
    5. Maintenance
  • Pong Requirements Analysis
    1. Pair up with the person next to you
    2. Create a Google Doc using your APS Google account
    3. Title the document: Pong Requirements
    4. Write both partners' names at the top
    5. List using phrases, all of the requirements, rules, and parts of Pong
    6. Share with Mr. Bui
  • As a class, we need to fill in Pong
  • Complete Pong

Friday (10/5/12)


  • Back to School Night recap
  • Student release forms
  • Demo Item collection game
  • Try adding the additional bonus features:
    • Screenwrapping
    • Wall collisions
    • Multi-directional sprite images
    • Explosion image when player sprite collides with a mine
    • Countdown timer

Monday - Wednesday (10/1/12 - 10/3/12)
