CS1 - 0809 - January


Friday (1/30/09)

Agenda - Regular:

Agenda - IB:

Monday (1/26/09)


  • Print the first N terms of the following sequence: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15
  • HINT: The above sequence are triangle numbers (Ch. 6 #4)

Agenda - Regular:

Agenda - IB:

Thursday (1/22/09)


  • Write out a loop that prints out the first N terms of the following sequence: 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, ...

Agenda - Regular:

Agenda - IB:

Friday (1/16/09)


  • Describe in less than ten words what you did over winter break
    • Mr. Bui's example: DVDs, food, college recommendations
  • Assume you have the following code:
x = 5
z = 10
while x >= 0:
  x -= 1
  z += 2
  • WITHOUT using your computer, what are the final values of x and z?


  • Demo missing work

Wednesday (1/14/09)

Monday (1/12/09)

  • Demo missing work
  • 2nd Quarter Exam Review
    • Variables, expressions, and statements
    • Functions
      • function header
      • function definitions
      • function calls
      • parameters
      • return statements
    • Conditionals
      • Boolean values and variables
      • modulus (%) operator
      • comparison operators (e.g., <, >)
      • logical operators (e.g., and, or)
      • Boolean conditional expressions (e.g., 2 > x and y < 3)
      • if statements
      • if-elif-else statements
    • Iteration (looping)
      • while and for loops
      • counter variables
      • infinite loops
      • break
    • Strings
      • [] operator
      • len() function
      • string slices
      • string traversal (strings + loops)

Thurdsay (1/8/09)

  • Demo missing work

Agenda - Regular:

Agenda - IB:

Tuesday (1/6/09)


  • Describe in less than ten words what you did over winter break
    • Mr. Bui's example: DVDs, food, college recommendations
  • Assume you have the following code:
i = 0
n = 1
while i < 25:
  n += 2
  i += 1
  • WITHOUT using your computer, what are the final values of i and n?

Agenda - All:

  • Looping warmup review
  • break keyword
  • Assume you have the following code:
i = 0
n = 1
while i < 25:
  n += 2
  if n > 10:
  i += 1
  • WITHOUT using your computer, what are the final values of i and n?
  • Demo missing work

Agenda - Regular:

Agenda - IB:
