IB Computer Science 1

Revision as of 11:54, 12 October 2012 by Admin (talk | contribs)

Friday (10/12/12)

  • Review of Loops
    • while loop
    • counter variables
  • Looping practice
    • Print out all the numbers from 0-50
    • Print out all the numbers from 75 down to 25
    • Write a loop that prints out the first 100 even numbers
    • Prompt the user for a number and store it in a variable n, then print out the first n odd numbers (starting at 1) using a loop
    • Print out all the numbers that are divisible by 6 from 0 through 100
  • Guessing Game Assignment

Tuesday - Thursday (10/9/12 - 10/11/12)


  • Student Release Forms
  • Missing Demos
  • Operators Review
    • Math operators (+, -, *, /, **, %)
    • Comparison operators (<, <=, >, >=, ==, !=)
    • Conditional operators (and, or, not)
  • Introduction to Loops
    • while loop
    • counter variables
  • Looping practice
    • Print out all the numbers from 0-50
    • Print out all the numbers from 75 down to 25
    • Write a loop that prints out the first 100 even numbers
    • Prompt the user for a number and store it in a variable n, then print out the first n odd numbers (starting at 1) using a loop
    • Print out all the numbers that are divisible by 6 from 0 through 100
  • Challenge
    • Prompt the user to enter a number
    • Use a loop to determine whether or not the number is a prime number
  • Guessing Game Assignment

Monday - Friday (10/1/12 - 10/5/12)


Thursday (9/27/12)

Tuesday - Wednesday (9/25/12 - 9/26/12)

Friday - Monday (9/21/12 - 9/24/12)


  1. Prompt the user to enter a length (be sure to save it in a variable)
  2. Prompt the user to enter a width (be sure to save it in a variable)
  3. Print out the area of the rectangle: "Area: ###"


Wednesday - Thursday (9/19/12 - 9/20/12)


Monday - Tuesday (9/17/12 - 9/18/12)


  • Introduction to Values, Types, and Variables
  • Input and Output
  • Mad Libs exercise
    1. Prompt the user to enter a noun and store it in a variable named noun
    2. Prompt the user to enter a verb and store it in a variable named verb
    3. Prompt the user to enter another noun and store it in a variable named noun2
    4. Print out a message that contains noun, verb, and noun2
  • Circle calculations exercise
    1. Prompt the user to enter the radius of a circle (this should be a float)
    2. Calculate and print out the circumference of the circle. Make sure your output looks like: "Circumference: ###"
    3. Calculate and print out the area of the circle. Make sure your output looks like: "Area: ###"
  • Slope calculation exercise
    1. Prompt the user to enter x1 (this should be a float)
    2. Prompt the user to enter y1 (this should be a float)
    3. Prompt the user to enter x2 (this should be a float)
    4. Prompt the user to enter y2 (this should be a float)
    5. Calculate and print out the slope. Make sure your output looks like: "Slope: ###"

Thursday - Friday (9/13/12 - 9/14/12)

Tuesday - Wednesday (9/11/12 - 9/12/12)


Friday - Monday (9/7/12 - 9/10/12)


  1. Bring up your responses from the "Defining computer science" activity at the end of last class
  2. Review your responses
  3. Define the term: "to compute" or "computation" in your "Defining computer science" google doc
  4. Now, try to define the term "computer science"


  • "What is computer science?" discussion
  • Different fields in computer science
  • A brief introduction to user interfaces
    1. Using the power of the internets, what was the first commercial graphical user interface (GUI) developed for the personal computer?
    2. In what year was the first GUI introduced?
    3. In what year was the Unix operating system developed?

Wednesday - Thursday (9/5/12 - 9/6/12)



  • Misc logistics
    • 20/10 no pass policy
    • Location of bathrooms
    • Sign in/out sheets
  • Introductions
  • IB Computer Science I Syllabus
  • IT Resources for Students (UserID: StudentID# and Password: Birthday)
  • Defining computer science:
    1. Write your name the top of the Google Doc
    2. List people/things/systems that use computers (e.g. air traffic control)
    3. For each of the above people/things/systems, write down the information/data that they use (e.g. flight information)
    4. List things you have done in any science class
    5. Define the term: "to compute" or "computation"
    6. Share the document with BuiEmail.bmp


  • Signed syllabus sheet due by the end of next week (9/14/11). You may turn it in anytime before then.

Tuesday (9/4/12)

  • Introductions
  • Name cards
  • Lab setup/config
    • Login username is your first initial and lastname (e.g. pbui)
    • Your password is your student ID number
    • Go to Apple (upper left) -> System Preferences -> Accounts -> Change Password
    • Acceptable-use policies apply in this lab!
  • Complete the Student Surveys