IB Computer Science 1

Revision as of 12:28, 15 December 2016 by Admin (talk | contribs)

Wednesday - Thursday (12/14/16 - 12/15/16)


  • The modulus operator % gives you the remainder (e.g. 8 % 3 gives you 2). Calculate the following
    1. 9 % 4
    2. 99 % 9
    3. 15 % 2
    4. 20 % 8
    5. 87 % 8
    6. 115 % 60
    7. 52 % 9
  • Missing assignments?
    • Pong (Keyboard vs. Mouse)
    • Gravity Ball with Mouse Launcher
  • Complete Prime numbers assignment (using Wing IDE)

Monday - Tuesday (12/12/16 - 12/13/16)


  • Dual Enrollment (ITP 195 - Python Programming)
    • Turn in any missing documentation
    • Sophomores! PSAT scores can be printed on the desktop through your College Board accounts
  • Demo missing assignments:
    • Pong (Keyboard vs. Mouse)
    • Gravity Ball with Mouse Launcher
  • Introduction to While Loops
  • While Loop practice (using Wing IDE)
    • Write a loop that prints 0 to 10
    • Write a loop that prints 10 to 0
    • Write a loop that prints from 19 to 77
    • Write a loop that prints the first 50 even numbers
    • Prompt a user for a number N. Write a loop that then prints out the first N even numbers (Hint: Use multiple variables)
  • Work on Prime numbers assignment (using Wing IDE)

Wednesday - Friday (12/7/16 - 12/9/16)


  • Dual Enrollment (ITP 195 - Python Programming)
    • Turn in any missing documentation:
      • Parent-signed "Intent to Pursue Dual Enrollment Form"
      • Copy of PSAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing score report w/ your name
      • Sophomores! You need to also submit your high school transcript & complete this form for a recommendation letter
  • Demo missing Project: Pong (Mouse vs Keyboard)
  • Complete and demo Animation: Gravity Ball with Mouse Launcher

Monday - Tuesday (12/5/16 - 12/6/16)


Thursday - Friday (12/1/16 - 12/2/16)

