IB Computer Science 1

Revision as of 22:21, 15 October 2015 by Admin (talk | contribs)

Wednesday - Friday (10/14/15 - 10/16/15)


  • APS PRIME Internship Program - see Ms. Burgos for more information
  • VA Governor's School - Summer Residential Programs - see Ms. Burgos for more information
  • Introducing the Debugger
    1. Load your Lab3.py code
    2. Set a debug breakpoint at the line where the world is created (clicking on the left gray gutter will leave a red dot)
    3. Hit the debug button (ladybug)
    4. What happens? The code should execute, but stop at the debug breakpoint
    5. You may now use the debug stepping buttons:
      1. Step-into (arrow into box) - executes current line and steps into any function calls
      2. Step-over (arrow over box) - executes current line and goes to next one (does *not* enter function calls)
      3. Step-out of (arrow out of box) - steps out of the current function call
  • Lab 10: Lab 2 Redo
  • Lab 11: Maze Solver

Friday (10/9/15)


  • Think about the following questions (you may discuss with a partner):
    1. What is the purpose of a password for a login (authentication) system?
    2. Why do password systems require a minimum password length (e.g. 8 characters or more)?
    3. Why do password systems require the use of both upper and lowercase characters as well as special characters (e.g. !@#$%^&*)?
    4. Do all password systems have identical password requirements?
    5. What happens when people have too many different passwords?


Wednesday (10/7/15)


Monday (10/5/15)


  1. Create a new file named warmup_10_5_15.py
  2. Prompt the user for a username and store it in a variable named username
  3. Prompt the user for a password and store it in a variable named password
  4. Write an if-else-statement that checks if the username matches "wlcs" and the password matches "awesome"
  5. Print out "Login successful" if the username and password are correct, and "Login rejected" otherwise


Thursday (10/1/15)


  • Go to Google Classroom and check if you have turned in every lab assignment


  • Back to School Night Debrief
  • Period 1 - Complete Labs 5 & 6
  • Introduction to Conditionals
  • Letter Grade Calculator
    1. Prompt the user for a number (0-100) (if you don't remember, look at past notes and lectures)
    2. Use if-statements, comparison operators, and logical operators (and, or, not)
    3. Print out the appropriate letter grade for the number (A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, E)
  • Menu System
    1. Find a fast food menu that lists different items and their caloric counts
    2. Print out a menu of 5 of those items
    3. Prompt the user to make a choice of one of the menu items
    4. Using if statements, determine what choice the user made, and print out the calories in the order

Back to School Night

Tuesday (9/29/15)


  • Go to Google Classroom and check if you have turned in every lab assignment


Friday (9/25/15)


  1. Open a file named warmup_9_25_15.py
  2. Define a function named inch2cm(inches)
  3. It should print the number of cm by using the given parameter/argument inches
  4. Make several function calls to test the function:
    1. inch2cm(1) should print 2.54
    2. inch2cm(5) should print 12.7
    3. inch2cm(12) should print 30.48


Wednesday (9/23/15)


  • Java Pre-assessment
    • Does *not* count for a grade
    • Skip questions that you do not understand
  • Student accounts
    • Username: first initial + last name
    • Password: student ID #
  • Introduction to Functions
    • Math examples
  • Lab 3: Functions
  • Lab 4: More Function Fun

Monday (9/21/15)


  1. Go to Google Classroom
  2. Make sure that you have turned in every assignment (including pyKarel Lab 1)


Thursday (9/17/15)


  • Period 1 - Chair switch
  • WingIDE101 or Wing101
  • Quadratic Formula Assignment
    • Demo to Mr. Bui when completed
    • Be sure to save your quad.py file in your Google Drive
  • Introduction to pyKarel

Tuesday (9/15/15)


  • Experienced Programming Challenges
  • Input and Output Review
  • Math Operations
    • Addition +
    • Subtraction -
    • Multiplication *
    • Division /
    • Exponential **
    • Order of operations!
  • Mad Libs exercise
    1. Prompt the user to enter a noun and store it in a variable named noun
    2. Prompt the user to enter a verb and store it in a variable named verb
    3. Prompt the user to enter another noun and store it in a variable named noun2
    4. Print out a message that contains noun, verb, and noun2
  • Circle calculations exercise
    1. Prompt the user to enter the radius of a circle (this should be a float)
    2. Calculate and print out the circumference of the circle. Make sure your output looks like: "Circumference: ###"
    3. Calculate and print out the area of the circle. Make sure your output looks like: "Area: ###"
  • Slope calculation exercise
    1. Prompt the user to enter x1 (this should be a float)
    2. Prompt the user to enter y1 (this should be a float)
    3. Prompt the user to enter x2 (this should be a float)
    4. Prompt the user to enter y2 (this should be a float)
    5. Calculate and print out the slope. Make sure your output looks like: "Slope: ###"
  • Quadratic Formula Assignment
    • Demo to Mr. Bui when completed

Friday (9/11/15)


  • Re-enroll into Google Classroom
    • Class code:
      • Period 1: aexivy
      • Period 5: p9ix40t
      • Period 7: 7hgrpaf


  • Web Browser and Desktop tricks
    • Tabbed Browsing
    • Tiling windows
    • Keyboard shortcuts
      • Ctrl-T = New Tab
      • Ctrl-Tab = Switch Tabs
      • Ctrl-N = New Window
      • Alt-Tab = Switch Windows
      • Windows-Left/Right = Tile Window to Left/Right
      • Windows-Up = Maximize
  • Introduction to Python
  • Experienced Students Option
    • Go to Links->Programming Practice
    • Or work ahead as fast as you can by accessing Links->Archived Websites
  • Media:BasicProgrammingTerms.ppt
  • Introduction to Values, Types, and Variables
  • Input and Output
  • Mad Libs exercise
    1. Prompt the user to enter a noun and store it in a variable named noun
    2. Prompt the user to enter a verb and store it in a variable named verb
    3. Prompt the user to enter another noun and store it in a variable named noun2
    4. Print out a message that contains noun, verb, and noun2
  • Circle calculations exercise
    1. Prompt the user to enter the radius of a circle (this should be a float)
    2. Calculate and print out the circumference of the circle. Make sure your output looks like: "Circumference: ###"
    3. Calculate and print out the area of the circle. Make sure your output looks like: "Area: ###"
  • Slope calculation exercise
    1. Prompt the user to enter x1 (this should be a float)
    2. Prompt the user to enter y1 (this should be a float)
    3. Prompt the user to enter x2 (this should be a float)
    4. Prompt the user to enter y2 (this should be a float)
    5. Calculate and print out the slope. Make sure your output looks like: "Slope: ###"


  1. Go to Syllabus (on the left)
  2. Read it
  3. Complete the agreement form with your parent (you will need your APS Google login)

Wednesday (9/9/15)


  1. Go to Syllabus (on the left)
  2. Read it
  3. Complete the agreement form with your parent (you will need your APS Google login)

Tuesday (9/8/15)

  • Introductions