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== Monday - Tuesday (6/5/17 - 6/6/17) ==
== Wednesday (9/20/17) ==
* IB Summer Assignment will be working on IA: Criterion B
* [[Quadratic Formula Assignment]]
** [[IBCS2 Summer Assignment]]
** Demo to Mr. Bui when completed
* Final Exam Exemption Slips due by June 12th (or asap)
* Introduction to Booleans & Conditionals
* Rock-Paper-Scissors Flowchart Assignment
** Comparison operators (<, >, <=, >=, ==, !=)
** Flowcharts - [[Media:Flowcharts.ppt]]
** Boolean values: True, False
** Create a flowchart for the Rock-Paper-Scissors game using [https://www.draw.io/ draw.io]
** Complete Comparison operators assignment on Canvas
** Submit a pdf of your flowchart via Google Classroom
* if statements
* Complete and demo Breakout
** [[Media:PythonIfStatements.pptx]]
* Work on Internal Assessment
** if-statement examples
** if-else examples
* Logic operators: and, or, not
** [[Media:PythonBooleanLogic.pptx]]
** Complete Logical operators assignment on Canvas
** Evaluate the following comparisons with logic operators (assume x = 2; y = 5)
**# x + 2 > y or y < 10
**# not(x < y) and y > 2 * x
**# y > 0 and y < 10 or x > 10 and x < 20
**# x + y != 5 and x - y < 0
**# x == 2 and y != 5
**# x != y or y >= x
* Letter Grade Calculator
*# Prompt the user for a number (0-100) (if you don't remember, look at past notes and lectures)
*#* Note: Your program should be able to handle floating-point numbers!
*# Use if-statements, comparison operators, and logical operators (and, or, not)
*# Print out the appropriate letter grade for the number (A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, E)
*#* Note: Your program should round letter grades appropriately (Example: grade >= 89.5 is an A)
== Thursday - Friday (6/1/17 - 6/2/17) ==
== Monday (9/18/17) ==
* Complete and demo Breakout
* Mad Libs exercise
* Work on Internal Assessment
*# Prompt the user to enter a noun and store it in a variable named '''noun'''
*# Prompt the user to enter a verb and store it in a variable named '''verb'''
*# Prompt the user to enter another noun and store it in a variable named '''noun2'''
*# Print out a message that contains noun, verb, and noun2
* Circle calculations exercise
*# Prompt the user to enter the radius of a circle (this should be a float)
*# Calculate and print out the circumference of the circle.  Make sure your output looks like: "Circumference: ###"
*# Calculate and print out the area of the circle.  Make sure your output looks like: "Area: ###"
* [[Quadratic Formula Assignment]]
** Demo to Mr. Bui when completed
== Thursday (9/14/17) ==
* Complete the Identifying Types assignment on Canvas if you have not already done so
== Tuesday - Wednesday (5/30/17 - 5/31/17) ==
* Complete and demo Breakout
* Introduction to Values, Types, and Variables
* Work on Internal Assessment
** [https://docs.google.com/a/apsva.us/presentation/d/1iJGcl4qxBXeP1Ex4R6n9FK8RiRVV43hpYKpZlobZQVc/edit?usp=sharing Values, Types & Variables]
** Complete Variable Naming assignment on Canvas
* Input and Output
** [https://docs.google.com/a/apsva.us/presentation/d/18oxLyc3PCjcpSEsXHNpsu-Op97dCbo-VwYKjmU_-d5A/edit?usp=sharing Input/Output (Python)]
* Math Operations
** Addition +
** Subtraction -
** Multiplication *
** Division /
** Exponential **
** Order of operations!
* Mad Libs exercise
*# Prompt the user to enter a noun and store it in a variable named '''noun'''
*# Prompt the user to enter a verb and store it in a variable named '''verb'''
*# Prompt the user to enter another noun and store it in a variable named '''noun2'''
*# Print out a message that contains noun, verb, and noun2
* Circle calculations exercise
*# Prompt the user to enter the radius of a circle (this should be a float)
*# Calculate and print out the circumference of the circle.  Make sure your output looks like: "Circumference: ###"
*# Calculate and print out the area of the circle.  Make sure your output looks like: "Area: ###"
* [[Quadratic Formula Assignment]]
** Demo to Mr. Bui when completed
== Monday (5/29/17) ==
== Tuesday (9/12/17) ==
* Memorial Day
== Friday (5/26/17) ==
* Java 20Q Assessment
* Introduction to Python
* Complete Breakout
** [http://www.pythontutor.com http://www.pythontutor.com] - Code Visualizer
* Turn in Internal Assessment: Criterion A: Planning
** [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello_world_program Hello world program]
** E-mail Mr. Bui if you need an extension
* Experienced Students Option
** Go to Links->Programming Practice
** Or work ahead as fast as you can by accessing Links->Archived Websites
* [[https://docs.google.com/a/apsva.us/presentation/d/1HHm45Q9RClDLRcVdk8BbJX8On4_D-XQB9nYvYzQjta0/edit?usp=sharing Basic Programming Terms]]
* Introduction to Values, Types, and Variables
** [[https://docs.google.com/a/apsva.us/presentation/d/1iJGcl4qxBXeP1Ex4R6n9FK8RiRVV43hpYKpZlobZQVc/edit?usp=sharing Values, Types & Variables]]
** Complete assignments on Canvas
== Friday - Thursday (5/19/17 - 5/25/17) ==
== Friday (9/8/17) ==
* Assignments thus far:
# Login to Canvas
** Emoji
# Complete the Collaboration
** Ping w/ Objects (Classes)
** Preliminary Breakout (only needs bottom brick collision)
* Current assignment:
** Breakout w/ collisions on left, right, and tops of bricks
** Multiple lives
** Game over when there are no more lives
** Win screen when there are no more bricks
* Internal Assessment: Criterion A: Planning
** [[Internal Assessment]]
** [[Media:IBCS_InternalAssessmentChecklist.doc]]
** [http://ibpublishing.ibo.org/live-exist/rest/app/tsm.xql?doc=d_4_comsc_tsm_1201_1_e&part=4&chapter=5 IA Criteria Rubrics]
** [https://ibpublishing.ibo.org/live-exist/rest/app/tsm.xql?doc=d_4_comsc_tsm_1201_2_e&part=4&chapter=7 IA Examples]
** Criterion A Overview - due '''Friday (5/26/17)''' via Google Classroom
*** Explicitly state your client
*** Explicitly state your advisor
*** Define and describe the problem or unanswered question (175-250 words)
*** Explicitly reference to documentation or evidence that a client was consulted (e.g. interview notes, transcription, or e-mail thread)
*** Justify your proposed product (175-250 words)
*** List (bulleted sentences/phrases) your success criteria (functionality requirements)
* Workplace Readiness Skills Assessment - '''Date TBD'''
** Common-sense workplace questions
** 1 hour - 100 multiple choice
** [https://www.quia.com/quiz/1865016.html Practice WRS Test]
== Monday - Thursday (5/15/17 - 5/18/17) ==
* Complete the [http://nova.mce.cc/ NVCC Dual Enrollment Evaluation]
* Quick Pic Intros
* Complete [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1dCcfJnCaczrBzeQoagJsZMZxidRFEdI-s4E6h_DJqAM/viewform End-of-Course Survey]
* Introduction to Python
** Summary results will be shown when all students have finished
** [http://www.pythontutor.com http://www.pythontutor.com] - Code Visualizer
* Complete and demonstrate the preliminary Breakout game with the Brick[] array
** [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello_world_program Hello world program]
** Displays bricks, paddle, and ball
* Experienced Students Option
** Ball collides with both paddles and bottom of bricks
** Go to Links->Programming Practice
** Bricks disappear upon collision
** Or work ahead as fast as you can by accessing Links->Archived Websites
* Once you have completed and demonstrated the preliminary Breakout game, continue implementing the following features:
* [[Media:BasicProgrammingTerms.ppt]]
** Collisions with left, right, and tops of bricks
* Introduction to Values, Types, and Variables
** Multiple lives
** [[Media:ValuesTypesVariables.ppt]]
** Game over when there are no more lives
** [[Values, Types, and Variables Identification assignment]]
** Win screen when there are no more bricks
== Thursday - Friday (5/11/17 - 5/12/17) ==
== Wednesday (9/6/17) ==
* Complete the [http://nova.mce.cc/ NVCC Dual Enrollment Evaluation]
* Attendance
* Complete and demonstrate the preliminary Breakout game with the Brick[] array
* Misc logistics
** Displays bricks, paddle, and ball
** 20/10 no pass policy
** Ball collides with both paddles and bricks
** Location of bathrooms
** Bricks disappear upon collision
** Sign in/out sheets
** Mr. Bui has A Lunch (1st Lunch) on W-days
** Mr. Bui has 4th period planning on L-Days (so whatever lunch he feels like having that day)
* [[IB Computer Science I Syllabus]]
** Sign electronic form by next Monday (9/11/17)
* Introduction to Canvas
** Profiles
** Notifications
** Assignments
** etc.
* Introductions w/ Pictures
*# You will be given a group Google presentation
*# Create a new slide
*# Use your first and last name as your title
*# Paste 4 or more images that describe who you are
== Monday - Wednesday (5/8/17 - 5/10/17) ==
* Signed electronic syllabus by Monday (9/11/17)
* Complete the preliminary Breakout game with the Brick[] array
* Introductions w/ Pictures collaboration found in Canvas
== Thursday - Friday (5/4/17 - 5/5/17) ==
== Tuesday (9/5/17) ==
* Interim grades are posting. Assignments thus far:
* Introductions
** Emoji
* Name cards
** Ping w/ Classes/Objects
** Breakout/BrickBreaker Warmup
** Preliminary Breakout w/ Brick[] (array)
* Work on Breakout w/ Brick[] array
== Tuesday - Wednesday (5/2/17 - 5/3/17) ==
# Go to Syllabus (on the left)
* What you should have as of now:
# Read it
** A BrickClassTest that defines a Brick class and declares and sets up a Brick[] (array)
# Complete the agreement form with your parent (you will need your APS Google login)
** The draw() should loop through the Brick[] and display each brick
* Today, you should:
*# Create a new sketch named BrickBreaker or Breakout
*# Copy over the Brick class and its setup and display code
*# Copy over your Ball and Paddle from Ping
*# Go through the code and clean it up, making any necessary changes
*# Add a new function named checkBrickBottomCollision(Brick br, Ball ba)
*#* It should check if a Ball ba collides with a Brick br's bottom edge, return true and false accordingly
* Demonstrate your preliminary BrickBreaker/Breakout game for credit
== Archives ==
== Archives ==
* [[IBCS1 - 1617 - April]]
* [[IBCS1 - 1617]]
* [[IBCS1 - 1617 - March]]
* [[IBCS1 - 1617 - February]]
* [[IBCS1 - 1617 - January]]
* [[IBCS1 - 1617 - December]]
* [[IBCS1 - 1617 - November]]
* [[IBCS1 - 1617 - October]]
* [[IBCS1 - 1617 - September]]
* [[IBCS1 - 1516]]

Revision as of 12:50, 20 September 2017

Wednesday (9/20/17)


  • Quadratic Formula Assignment
    • Demo to Mr. Bui when completed
  • Introduction to Booleans & Conditionals
    • Comparison operators (<, >, <=, >=, ==, !=)
    • Boolean values: True, False
    • Complete Comparison operators assignment on Canvas
  • if statements
  • Logic operators: and, or, not
    • Media:PythonBooleanLogic.pptx
    • Complete Logical operators assignment on Canvas
    • Evaluate the following comparisons with logic operators (assume x = 2; y = 5)
      1. x + 2 > y or y < 10
      2. not(x < y) and y > 2 * x
      3. y > 0 and y < 10 or x > 10 and x < 20
      4. x + y != 5 and x - y < 0
      5. x == 2 and y != 5
      6. x != y or y >= x
  • Letter Grade Calculator
    1. Prompt the user for a number (0-100) (if you don't remember, look at past notes and lectures)
      • Note: Your program should be able to handle floating-point numbers!
    2. Use if-statements, comparison operators, and logical operators (and, or, not)
    3. Print out the appropriate letter grade for the number (A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, E)
      • Note: Your program should round letter grades appropriately (Example: grade >= 89.5 is an A)

Monday (9/18/17)


  • Mad Libs exercise
    1. Prompt the user to enter a noun and store it in a variable named noun
    2. Prompt the user to enter a verb and store it in a variable named verb
    3. Prompt the user to enter another noun and store it in a variable named noun2
    4. Print out a message that contains noun, verb, and noun2
  • Circle calculations exercise
    1. Prompt the user to enter the radius of a circle (this should be a float)
    2. Calculate and print out the circumference of the circle. Make sure your output looks like: "Circumference: ###"
    3. Calculate and print out the area of the circle. Make sure your output looks like: "Area: ###"
  • Quadratic Formula Assignment
    • Demo to Mr. Bui when completed

Thursday (9/14/17)


  • Complete the Identifying Types assignment on Canvas if you have not already done so


  • Introduction to Values, Types, and Variables
  • Input and Output
  • Math Operations
    • Addition +
    • Subtraction -
    • Multiplication *
    • Division /
    • Exponential **
    • Order of operations!
  • Mad Libs exercise
    1. Prompt the user to enter a noun and store it in a variable named noun
    2. Prompt the user to enter a verb and store it in a variable named verb
    3. Prompt the user to enter another noun and store it in a variable named noun2
    4. Print out a message that contains noun, verb, and noun2
  • Circle calculations exercise
    1. Prompt the user to enter the radius of a circle (this should be a float)
    2. Calculate and print out the circumference of the circle. Make sure your output looks like: "Circumference: ###"
    3. Calculate and print out the area of the circle. Make sure your output looks like: "Area: ###"
  • Quadratic Formula Assignment
    • Demo to Mr. Bui when completed

Tuesday (9/12/17)


Friday (9/8/17)


  1. Login to Canvas
  2. Complete the Collaboration


Wednesday (9/6/17)


  • Attendance
  • Misc logistics
    • 20/10 no pass policy
    • Location of bathrooms
    • Sign in/out sheets
    • Mr. Bui has A Lunch (1st Lunch) on W-days
    • Mr. Bui has 4th period planning on L-Days (so whatever lunch he feels like having that day)
  • IB Computer Science I Syllabus
    • Sign electronic form by next Monday (9/11/17)
  • Introduction to Canvas
    • Profiles
    • Notifications
    • Assignments
    • etc.
  • Introductions w/ Pictures
    1. You will be given a group Google presentation
    2. Create a new slide
    3. Use your first and last name as your title
    4. Paste 4 or more images that describe who you are


  • Signed electronic syllabus by Monday (9/11/17)
  • Introductions w/ Pictures collaboration found in Canvas

Tuesday (9/5/17)


  • Introductions
  • Name cards


  1. Go to Syllabus (on the left)
  2. Read it
  3. Complete the agreement form with your parent (you will need your APS Google login)
