Computer Science

Revision as of 07:16, 26 March 2014 by Admin (talk | contribs)

Wednesday (3/26/14)

Monday (3/24/14)

Thursday (3/20/14)


  • Got a Gadget - Today @ 3:30PM @ Central Library
    • Help adults with their technology
    • Community service hours
    • Looks great on your high school resume
  • Complete Print Shapes Exercises
  • Complete Looping Exercises

Friday - Tuesday (3/14/14 - 3/18/14)


  • 2014 Arlington Tech Expo - Saturday, April 26th @ Wakefield
  • Complete Guessing Game Assignment
  • Looping practice exercises
    1. Print out all the numbers from 0-50
    2. Print out all the numbers from 75 down to 25
    3. Write a loop that prints out the first 100 even numbers
    4. Prompt the user for a number and store it in a variable n, then print out the first n odd numbers (starting at 1) using a loop
  • Complete Print Shapes Exercises

Wednesday (3/12/14)


Monday (3/10/14)


  • Old school menu systems
    1. Print out the menu on multiple lines
    2. Prompt the user for an option
    3. Use if statements to check the input and do different things for different options

Thursday (3/6/14)


  • Without using a computer, identify the syntax errors in the following code
username = input(Username: )
password = input("Password: "
if username = "admin":
  if password == "secret"
    print(Logged in successfully!"
    pint("Incorrect password!")
  print("Incorrect username!")


  • if-statement review
  • if-else statement review
  • Username/Password example
  • it-statement examples w/ logical operators
  • Complete and demo Python Boolean Exercises

Tuesday (3/4/14)

  • Snow Day

Friday (2/28/14)


  • Without using a computer, identify the syntax errors in the following code
a b = 1
b + 2 = c
print(1, 2, 3, a, b, c)
x = input(please enter an x)
age = int(input("What is your age?"))

if age < 18:
    print("You cannot vote")

Wednesday (2/26/14)


  1. Write a program named
  2. Create a variable named PI = 3.1415
  3. Prompt the user for the radius (ask for input) and store it in a variable r
  4. Output the area of the circle


Monday (2/24/14)


  1. Sign into Codecademy - Python
  2. Show Mr. Bui that you have completed Codecademy - Python Syntax
  3. Show Mr. Bui that you have completed Codecademy - Tip Calculator


Thursday (2/20/14)


  • Introduction to Values, Types, and Variables
  • Math operations in Python
  • Rectangle area program (
    1. Create 2 variables named length, width and give them some values
    2. Calculate the area and store it in a variable named area
    3. Print out the area
  • Slope calculator program (
    1. Create 4 variables named x1, y1, x2, y2 and give them some values
    2. Calculate the slope using those variables and store it in a variable named m
      • HINT: If you can't remember the formula for something, look it up
    3. Print out the slope


Tuesday (2/18/14)



Tuesday (2/11/14/)


  • Complete Computer hardware assignment
    • Be sure to share your Google document w/ Mr. Bui
  • Quiz on Media:Hardware.pptx!
    • You should be able to identify the name of the part just by looking at it
    • You should be able to describe what the part does
    • You should be able to use the binary prefixes: bit and byte

Friday (2/7/14)



  • Computer hardware assignment
  • How do you take a screenshot?
    1. Press Command-Shift-4
    2. Select the area on the screen
    3. The image will appear on your desktop
  • How do you choose a computer case?
    1. Check the size of your motherboard (e.g. ATX, mini-ATX, micro-ATX, etc.) and match it with the case
    2. Make sure your case looks cool
  • Complete the Computer hardware assignment today
    • Make sure you share the document with Mr. Bui
  • Quiz on the different computer components on Tuesday (2/11/14)
    • You should be able to identify the name of the part just by looking at it
    • You should be able to explain what that part basically does

Wednesday (2/5/14)


Monday (2/3/14)


  • Demo Asteroids
  • If you have completed Asteroids, then try to implement several advanced features
