IB Computer Science 1

Revision as of 08:18, 9 May 2016 by Admin (talk | contribs)

Monday - Wednesday (5/9/16 - 5/11/16)

  • Complete the NVCC Course Evaluation survey
  • Complete the CTE Student Survey
  • Brickbreaker
    1. Draw a row of bricks w/ a for loop
    2. Draw multiple rows of bricks by adding another for loop
    3. Give each brick a random color (if you want the colors to stay the same throughout the game, then you'll need arrays)
  • Brick collision detection - demonstrate the collision testing once completed for credit
    1. Create a new sketchbook just to develop your collision detection
    2. You will develop 4 different functions to check if a ball collides with the different sides of a brick
    3. Declare and initialize all the variables for a ball -- start your ball at the top of the screen and have it go straight downwards
    4. Declare and initialize brick_x, brick_y, brick_w, brick_h variables
    5. Declare and initialize a boolean visible variable, which is true -- this variable will remember if a brick is visible or not. If the brick is hit, then we set it to false
    6. Draw a rectangular brick in the middle of the screen using your variables
    7. Define a function named checkTop(brick_x, brick_y)
      • if the ball's bottom edge (ball_y+ball_h) is greater than the brick's top edge (brick_y) AND the ball's bottom edge is still less than the brick's bottom edge (brick_y+brick_h) AND the ball's left edge (ball_x-ball_r) is less than the brick's right edge (brick_x+brick_w) AND the ball's right edge (ball_x+ball_r) is greater than the brick's left edge (brick_x)...then the ball must be hitting the top edge and you should return true
      • otherwise, return false
    8. Go to the draw() function
      1. Draw and move your ball
      2. if visible is true, then draw the rectangle
      3. Check if the ball has hit the top of the brick by using an if-statement and checkTop(brick_x, brick_y)
        • If the brick is hit, then set visible to false
    9. If you get checkTop() working, then change the starting location and direction of the ball and develop checkLeft(), checkRight(), and checkBottom()

Tuesday - Thursday (5/3/16 - 5/5/16)


Friday (4/29/16)


Monday - Wednesday (4/25/16 - 4/27/16)

Tuesday - Thursday (4/19/16 - 4/21/16)

  • Java Review
  • Convert Lab 4: Simple Paint from Python->Java syntax. Demo for credit
  • Convert Lab 5: Ping from Python->Java syntax. Demo for credit
  • Convert Lab 6: Tic-Tac-Toe from Python->Java syntax. Demo for credit
    • Lists/Arrays are handled slightly differently in Java

Tuesday - Thursday (4/12/16 - 4/14/16)


  • Grades are updated in Synergy (3rd quarter ends Thursday/Friday)
    • These are your final grades for 3rd quarter unless you demo something missing for partial credit
  • Demo Lab 7: Tic-Tac-Toe (Part 2)
  • Introduction to Java syntax
    • Python -> Java differences

Monday - Friday (4/4/16 - 4/8/16)

