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== Tuesday - Wednesday (9/9/14 - 9/10/14) ==
== [[IBCS1 - Archives]] ==
* Turn in your signed syllabus if you have it. Due by the end of the week!
* Log into your accounts
** Username: first initial + last name (e.g. pbui)
** Password: student ID#
* Math Operations
** Addition +
** Subtraction -
** Multiplication *
** Division /
** Exponential **
** Order of operations!
* Mad Libs exercise
*# Prompt the user to enter a noun and store it in a variable named '''noun'''
*# Prompt the user to enter a verb and store it in a variable named '''verb'''
*# Prompt the user to enter another noun and store it in a variable named '''noun2'''
*# Print out a message that contains noun, verb, and noun2
* Circle calculations exercise
*# Prompt the user to enter the radius of a circle (this should be a float)
*# Calculate and print out the circumference of the circle.  Make sure your output looks like: "Circumference: ###"
*# Calculate and print out the area of the circle.  Make sure your output looks like: "Area: ###"
* Slope calculation exercise
*# Prompt the user to enter x1 (this should be a float)
*# Prompt the user to enter y1 (this should be a float)
*# Prompt the user to enter x2 (this should be a float)
*# Prompt the user to enter y2 (this should be a float)
*# Calculate and print out the slope.  Make sure your output looks like: "Slope: ###"
* [[Quadratic Formula Assignment]]
== Friday - Monday (9/5/14 - 9/8/14) ==
# Turn in your syllabus if you have it signed
# [http://classroom.google.com Google Classroom]
#* Sign into your APS Google accounts
#* Class code: xkh7hhq
# Submit your Hello World program from last class to Google Classroom
* [[Media:BasicProgrammingTerms.ppt]]
* Introduction to Values, Types, and Variables
** [[Media:ValuesTypesVariables.ppt]]
** [[Values, Types, and Variables Identification assignment]]
* Input and Output
** [[Media:PythonInputOutput.ppt]]
* Mad Libs exercise
*# Prompt the user to enter a noun and store it in a variable named '''noun'''
*# Prompt the user to enter a verb and store it in a variable named '''verb'''
*# Prompt the user to enter another noun and store it in a variable named '''noun2'''
*# Print out a message that contains noun, verb, and noun2
* Circle calculations exercise
*# Prompt the user to enter the radius of a circle (this should be a float)
*# Calculate and print out the circumference of the circle.  Make sure your output looks like: "Circumference: ###"
*# Calculate and print out the area of the circle.  Make sure your output looks like: "Area: ###"
* Slope calculation exercise
*# Prompt the user to enter x1 (this should be a float)
*# Prompt the user to enter y1 (this should be a float)
*# Prompt the user to enter x2 (this should be a float)
*# Prompt the user to enter y2 (this should be a float)
*# Calculate and print out the slope.  Make sure your output looks like: "Slope: ###"
== Wednesday (9/3/14 - 9/4/14) ==
* Complete the [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?key=0ApPgoX5sTp-_cDZfazFTTWJTMnp2TUhKTkpCQmtGUEE Student Survey] if you have not already done so
* Introductions
* Misc logistics
** 20/10 no pass policy
** Location of bathrooms
** Sign in/out sheets
* [[IB Computer Science I Syllabus]]
** Signed syllabus sheets due by the end of next week (9/12/14)
* [http://classroom.google.com Google Classroom]
** Sign into your APS Google accounts
** Class code: xkh7hhq
* IT Resources for Students (UserID: StudentID# and Password: Birthday)
** Google Apps - [http://www.apsva.us/google http://www.apsva.us/google]
** Dropbox - [http://www.dropbox.com http://www.dropbox.com]
** Others (Skydrive, etc.)
* What is computer science?
* Introduction to Python
** WingIDE 101
** [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello_world_program Hello world program]
** Submit your Hello world program via Google Classroom
== Tuesday (9/2/14) ==
* Introductions
* Name cards
* Guest login
** Username: guest
** No password (just hit enter)
* Complete the [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?key=0ApPgoX5sTp-_cDZfazFTTWJTMnp2TUhKTkpCQmtGUEE Student Survey]

Latest revision as of 08:28, 13 September 2023