IB Computer Science 2

Revision as of 12:00, 7 April 2016 by Admin (talk | contribs)

Thursday (4/7/16)


  • Demo missing Inheritance Practice


  • Practice Paper 1 IB Exam
    1. Go to Google Classroom
    2. Complete Paper 1 in a first pass w/o looking at notes. Circle, highlight, or make note of questions you could not answer
    3. Make a second pass w/ notes, answering the questions you did not know
    4. You may hand-write or type your answers. Completion of the exam will be checked at the beginning Monday (4/11/16)
    5. We will go over the markscheme in class on Monday

Friday - Tuesday (4/1/16 - 4/5/16)


  • Demo inheritance practice project
  • UML Diagram Assignment
    • Create the complete UML diagram for the inheritance practice project
    • Be sure to include the arrows, attributes, attribute types, methods, and return types!
    • draw.io
      • Be sure to save the xml description file so you don't lose your work
      • Be sure to put your name on the diagram!
      • Submit to Google Classroom an exported PDF of your draw.io UML diagram

Monday - Wednesday (3/28/16 - 3/30/16)


Monday - Friday (3/21/16 - 3/25/16)

  • Spring Break

Tuesday - Thursday (3/15/16 - 3/17/16)


  1. Prepare access to all your electronic copies of your documents and project
  2. Download Media:IBCS_IA_Forms.zip and move the folder to your desktop
  3. Move all your solution (actual code) files to the Product folder
  4. Complete the coversheet
  5. Move your Criterion sections PDFs into the Documentation folder
  6. Delete files in Documentation that are not necessary
  7. Edit links in the coversheet
    1. Copy the file name in the coversheet and paste/rename each of your criterion PDFs
    2. Rename your Criterion D video using the same naming convention -- edit the link in the coversheet
    3. Add links to any appendices -- evidence of initial consultation and feedback should be here
  8. Open your coversheet in a web browser and double-check every field and click on every link.
  9. Be sure to edit/correct the word count
  10. Highlight the coversheet, Documentation, and Product folders -- right-click and create a zip archive or compress (Mac) or send to compressed file (Windows)
  11. Zip file naming convention: LastName_IA.zip
  12. Send the zip file to another computer, click on every link, and test it out
  13. Once everything has been double-checked. Submit the zip file to Google Classroom

Friday (3/11/16)


  • Control - Media:ControlSystems.pptx
  • Work on Internal Assessment - DUE FRIDAY (3/18/16)
    • Use Jing or Camtasia or another alternative to make a screencast
    • Bring electronic copies of your documents (docs or pdfs) on Tuesday (3/15/16)
    • Bring an electronic copy of your project on Tuesday (3/15/16)

Monday - Wednesday (3/7/16 - 3/9/16)


  • Case Study - Computer-Generated Imagery - Media:IBCS_CaseStudy2016.pdf
  • Create slides for terms today (each person does at least 1 today)
    1. Definition: What does the term mean or do?
    2. Describe: How does it work?
    3. Image relating to the term
    4. Why should we care? (why is it useful?)
  • Period 4 Case Study Slides
  • Period 6 Case Study Slides
  • Each person will present his/her term
  • Work on Internal Assessment
    • Use Jing or Camtasia or another alternative to make a screencast
    • Bring electronic copies of your documents (docs or pdfs) on Tuesday (3/15/16)
    • Bring an electronic copy of your project on Tuesday (3/15/16)

Tuesday - Thursday (3/1/16 - 3/3/16)


  • Turn in Criterion E - hard-copy
  • Final Internal Assessment Due: Friday, March 18th
  • Internal Assessment - What's Left?
    • Appendix
      • Evidence of consultation with the client/advisor (transcription of consultation works)
      • Evidence of feedback from the client/advisor (transcription of feedback is ok)
      • Any additional documents or screenshots of the product functioning
    • Super-checklist rubric for all criteria:
    • 2000 word max for the extended writing sections
    • Use of the provided Media:IBCS_IA_Forms.zip and templates
    • All written sections are saved as .pdf files
    • Correct location and placement of the following:
      • Criteria A-E documentation should be located in the Documentation folder
      • Your video should be located in the Documentation folder as Criterion D
      • Your actual product should be located in the Product folder. The product should work as it sits in the folder.
      • Cover page
    • Filling out the cover page
      • Use relative links
      • Make sure you fill in every field
      • Link to a working copy of your product
    • Zip everything and submit electronically
  • Case Study - Computer-Generated Imagery - Media:IBCS_CaseStudy2016.pdf
  • Create slides for terms today (each person does at least 1 today)
    1. Definition: What does the term mean or do?
    2. Describe: How does it work?
    3. Image relating to the term
    4. Why should we care? (why is it useful?)
  • Period 4 Case Study Slides
  • Period 6 Case Study Slides
  • Each person will present his/her term
  • Work on Internal Assessment

Friday (2/26/16)


  1. Think of 2 examples of specific computer systems that balance cost and performance.
    • i.e. examples where there is some hardware or software sacrifice to save money because the extra functionality or performance is not worth it
    • e.g. GPU on an ebook reader
  2. Describe what happens when each of the following hardware resources are limited (i.e. lacking/not enough)
    1. Limited CPU
    2. Limited RAM
    3. Limited GPU
    4. Limited network bandwidth



Wednesday (2/24/16)

  • Work on Internal Assessment

Monday (2/22/16)


  • Criterion E: Evaluation - Due Tuesday (3/1/16) as a printed hard-copy
  • This criterion should be completed as two parts (headings)
  • Evaluation of the product (you should be able to do some of this by Monday)
    • The evaluation of the product should refer directly to the success criteria in Criterion A, feedback from the client/adviser, as well as any other appropriate feedback obtained.
    • You should basically demo your product to multiple people and have them comment on each success criteria
  • Recommendations for the future development of the product (you should be able to do this by Monday)
    • The student will use the feedback and the evaluation of the specific performance criteria to recommend possible future developments to the product. These recommendations should explain the benefits of these developments.
    • You should basically ask in your feedback, suggestions for extending or enhancing the project. Explain why each new development would be good.
    • You should have at least 2 minor improvements and 2 major improvements
  • Networks
  • Work on Internal Assessment

Thursday - Thursday (2/11/16 - 2/18/16)


Tuesday (2/9/16)


  1. Given the following scenario: The light bulb(L) is ON if switch A (A) is OFF and switch B (B) is ON and either switch B (B) is OFF or switch (C) is ON
  2. Write the Boolean expression to represent with the light bulb (L) is ON/OFF
  3. Draw the truth table for the Boolean expression
  4. Draw the logic gate diagram/circuit for the expression


Friday (2/5/16)


  • Logic gate quiz
  • Circuit Simulator
  • Media:BooleanLogic.ppt
  • Media:LogicGates.ppt
  • Boolean expression word problems
  • Criterion D - Functionality and extensibility of product
    • This criterion should be completed as two parts and does not require any additional written documentation.
    • Functionality of the product
      • The student must use the video to demonstrate the product functioning (2-7 minutes in length). This evidence will be supported, where possible, by the product on the CD-ROM/DVD or USB.
      • i.e. demo the your program's functionality
    • Extensibility of product
      • The student should design the product so that it can be maintained by another party and/or be further developed. Therefore the design of the product should include appropriate folder and data structures, intuitive file and/or class naming conventions and, where appropriate, comments in the code.
      • i.e. your program should be well-organized (good filenames, clean code, good variable names, comments)
  • Assignment - Scripting your demo
    1. Outline the functionalities that you listed in your criteria for success in Criterion A
    2. Expand your outline with scripted lines and actions that explain and demo the different parts of your project
    3. You should be able to demonstrate each requirement/criteria you listed in Criterion A
    4. Time yourself and how long it takes to read the script at a moderate pace (You should aim for ~5 minutes)
    5. Turn in your scripted outline via Google Classroom by Tuesday (2/9/16)

Wednesday (2/3/16)


  • StudentVUE has been updated
    • You have today demo missing assignments
    • If you are turning in a missing assignment, you MUST show it to Mr. Bui in person and e-mail him requesting an update
  • IB candidate session numbers
  • Operating Systems quiz
  • Internal Assessment
    • return Criterion C
    • 3rd quarter grade will be based on the final IA as a whole
  • Criterion D - Functionality and extensibility of product
    • This criterion should be completed as two parts and does not require any additional written documentation.
    • Functionality of the product
      • The student must use the video to demonstrate the product functioning (2-7 minutes in length). This evidence will be supported, where possible, by the product on the CD-ROM/DVD or USB.
      • i.e. demo the your program's functionality
    • Extensibility of product
      • The student should design the product so that it can be maintained by another party and/or be further developed. Therefore the design of the product should include appropriate folder and data structures, intuitive file and/or class naming conventions and, where appropriate, comments in the code.
      • i.e. your program should be well-organized (good filenames, clean code, good variable names, comments)
  • Assignment - Scripting your demo
    1. Outline the functionalities that you listed in your criteria for success in Criterion A
    2. Expand your outline with scripted lines and actions that explain and demo the different parts of your project
    3. You should be able to demonstrate each requirement/criteria you listed in Criterion A
    4. Time yourself and how long it takes to read the script at a moderate pace (You should aim for ~5 minutes)
    5. Turn in your scripted outline via Google Classroom by Tuesday (2/9/16)
  • Introduction to Boolean Algebra & Logic Gates
  • Logic Gate Quiz - Friday (2/5/16)
    • Be able to draw all the logic gates AND their truth tables
