James Morgan

Revision as of 12:40, 16 September 2009 by Jmorgan (talk | contribs) (Goals)

The Project


Create a website where people can browse and download both Wordpress and Google Blogger powered templates. I will create some of my own templates as well as upload templates created by other individuals. I will make to sure give the author(s) full credit for their creations before uploading their template source code.


  • The website will be powered by Wordpress and I will create a screenshot/thumbnail for each template.
  • If possible, each template will have a demo, where users can test the template before downloading.
  • Users will be able to comment and discuss each individual template.


Host/Register a Domain Name:

I will do some research and find a reliable and cost efficient hosting company.

Install WordPress 2.8.4:

I will read online instructions which explain how to manually install wordpress. I will use FileZilla 0.9.33 to upload the latest version of WordPress.

Design a WordPress Template for my New Site:

I will do some research and look for tutorials on how to create my own wordpress theme. The Layout needs to be simple and easy to navigate.

Create Templates for Download:

I will start creating my own collection of templates for others to download. Both Wordpress powered templates and Blogger powered templates.

Resources/Tools for creating templates:

Upload Other Templates:

I will find other free templates by various artists and upload their source code to my site. I will make sure to give the author(s) full credit by creating a link to their site.

Create Traffic:


In order for this site to be of any use I need to get loads of traffic. I will do some research about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in order to receive a surplus of traffic from the search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask, etc. I will try to rank high in the search engines for keywords such as "blog templates" and "blogger templates".

Social Media:

I will also try to receive traffic from social media sites such as StumbleUpon, Delicious, Twitter,etc. Users will be able to easily bookmark and share these sites at the socials media sites listed above.

External Links