IB Information Technology in the Global Society (ITGS)

Revision as of 15:28, 25 February 2009 by Admin (talk | contribs)

Thursday (2/26/09)


  • Find a recent IT article that you wish to discuss
  • With a partner, begin scripting a dialog that discusses the social/ethical aspects and relating them to a specific area of impact
  • You will be turning in your script at the end of class


  • You will be recording your scripted dialog using the audio editor: Audacity
  • After you have recorded your dialog, drop it in Mr. Bui's Inbox (T:)
  • Using audacity, try out the different effects on your recording
    • Change pitch
    • Change tempo
    • Bass boost
    • Fade in
    • Fade out
    • Echo
    • etc.

Friday - Tuesday (2/20/09 - 2/24/09)

  • Log book check #2
  • Criterion I - Planning the chosen IT solution
    • Due: Friday (3/6/09)
  • Other Criterion
    • Criterion J - Testing and evaluating the solution
    • Criterion K - Assessing the social significance (conclusion)
    • Criterion L - The product
    • Criterion M - The log book
  • Screencasting Assignment
    • Choose a software or web-based task
    • Create a storyboard with captions with at least 5 panels that explains the steps of your tutorial
    • Write out the entire script of your tutorial
    • Using Jing and the microphone/headsets, create your screencast
  • Turn in your panels and script
  • Upload your screencast to your www.screencast.com account
  • E-mail Mr. Bui the URL of your screencast
  • Screencasting presentations

Wednesday (2/18/09)


  • Take out a pencil/pen and a sheet of paper. You will be turning in your writing response.
  • Concerning office productivity software (word processing, spreadsheets, etc.), discuss at least TWO social/ethical aspects and relate each of them with a different area of impact. In relating them to an area of impact, describe specific examples.


  • Introduction to Screencasting - Jing!
  • Log book check #2
  • Progress meetings

Wednesday - Friday (2/11/09 - 2/13/09)

  • IA Work day

Monday (2/9/09)

  • Work on Criterion H:

Thursday (2/5/09)


  • Adobe cont'd

Tuesday (2/3/09)


  • Adobe Photoshop cont'd
    • Add Mr. Bui's face to the sunflower picture.
    • Adding text to an image.
    • Knitting together 3 pictures into one.
